SARASOTA, Fla. – Seizing on word the economy shrank, Democrat Barack Obama said Thursday Republican rival John McCain would "keep driving down this dead-end street." McCain cited record oil company profits to argue that Obama's rhetoric obscur
CARACAS – Venezuela entered the space age Wednesday as its first satellite, built with Chinese technology and launched from China, blasted into orbit. Named after Simon Bolivar, the hero of South American independence, the communications sat
WASHINGTON – The Hubble Space Telescope is working again, taking stunning cosmic photos after a one-month breakdown. The Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore said the $10 billion telescope is as good as it was before a shutdow
A nasty fungus seems to have sex while it invades its human host. The fungus causes chronic diarrhea in AIDS patients, organ transplant recipients and travelers. The finding could lead to the development of new treatments against these virulent pa
THURSDAY, Oct. 30 HealthDay News -- Four newly identified genes may be linked to the most common form of late-onset Alzheimer's disease, U.S. researchers report. The team, from Massachusetts General Hospital-MassGeneral Institute for Neurological Di
WASHINGTON – The ancient Phoenicians may be largely forgotten, but they're not gone. Rome destroyed the Phoenicians' greatest city Carthage centuries ago, but new genetic studies indicate that as many as one in 17 men living in c
At least one of the world's rarest big cats is alive and well, according to scientists who captured, photographed and gave a check-up to a female Far Eastern leopard in Russia last week. The Far Eastern leopard is perhaps the world's most endanger
After overcoming a glitch that had forced science operations to cease, operators wasted no time in using the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph another stunning cosmic scene. The new image, released today, shows an odd pair of galaxies called Arp