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11 December 2009 1:27 AM | Tagged: nobel acceptance speech
If you can tell people, 'We have a president in the White House who still has a grandmother living in a hut on the shores of Lake Victoria and has a sister who's half-Indonesian, married to a Chinese-Canadian,' then they're going to think that he may have a better sense of what's going on in our lives and in our country, the Nobel Laureate once mused. And they'd be right.--Senator Obama to the N


11 December 2009 1:27 AM | Tagged: jack rothman
When I first heard President Obama announce an increase of US troops in Afghanistan, I had an instinctive support-America! response.Despite being critical of the war, as a WW II veteran that was my gut reaction.We have tens of thousands of our troops in that country, sent there by Bush, strike Al Qaeda, who had flown passenger planes into the Twin Towers, killing multitudes of our citize


11 December 2009 1:27 AM | Tagged: rep brian baird
Rep.Brian Baird's retirement announcement Wednesday afternoon has undoubtedly made the Washington Democrat's 3rd district seat competitive for Republican strategists looking for House takeover opportunities in 2010. The popular incumbent's decision to step aside prompted CQ Politics to change the rating of the race to Tossup -- a sharp shift from the previous Safe Democratic rating that presumed


11 December 2009 1:27 AM | Tagged: congressional budget office
The new CNN poll like many others finds greater support (53% to 46%) for a public option than for the Senate Health Care Bill which just 36% support, and 61% oppose.The smart conclusion is that the Senate Bill would be more popular if it included a Public Option.But an even smarter question would be to ask why the overall effort is so unpopular. The worst statistic in the poll is the 22% that b