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10 December 2009 6:48 PM
WASHINGTON – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is telling a skeptical oversight panel that his decision to extend the government's unpopular bank bailout program through October sets the stage for eventually shutting it down.Geithner told the panel monitoring the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program that it would have been irresponsible not to extend it.But Elizabeth Warren, a Harva


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
A look at key issues in the health care debate: THE ISSUE: How much do Americans who have employer-sponsored health insurance pay in premiums? What do their employers pay? Would that change if the system is overhauled? THE POLITICS: Health care costs have been increasing.For Americans and the businesses that insure most of them, that translates into higher insurance premiums.The average premium c


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
Whenever Sarah Palin is fixin' to grab to some headlines, she writes a Facebook note and an accompanying Washington Post op-ed. Then, she picks fights with anyone who dares to criticize her weak grasp of the issues. Such was the case yesterday. After writing a grossly inaccurate op-ed on climate change, she was criticized by Vice President Al Gore. As expected, she quickly fired back. Yet in her


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
Eloquence in Oslo cannot change the realities of war. As President Obama neared the close of his Nobel address, he called for the continued expansion of our moral imagination. Yet his speech was tightly circumscribed by the policies that his oratory labored to justify. Lofty rationales easily tell us that warfare is striving for the noble goal of peace. But the rationales scarcely intersect w


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
The justice secretary has blocked the release of minutes of a 1997 cabinet committee meeting on devolution.Jack Straw said he believed disclosure would put the convention of collective cabinet responsibility for decisions at serious risk of harm .The UK's information commissioner said he would carefully consider Mr Straw's reasons for using his veto.The only other time he has used it was to bl


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
More than 800 dog attacks have been investigated by the police across south Wales over the last two-and-a-half years, according to the latest figures.In one incident a toddler was targeted by a dog, while in others people suffered facial injuries and other pets were killed.The figures were released to Cynon Valley AM Christine Chapman under the Freedom of Information Act.The assembly government i


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
[@url@Greg Ball Drops Bid Against Hall@ GOP in 2010: Ready, Set...Purity? GOP Comeback: Not So Fast Contested GOP Primary Emerges in New York


10 December 2009 6:47 PM
WASHINGTON – The tip came from another country's law enforcement officials: Eight major banks in the U.S were being targeted by cybercriminals operating there.FBI agents fanned out that night to warn the branches that hackers were aiming to break into their computer systems.The banks were able to spot the attempted breaches, and block them, FBI officials said.Concerned about the rise in th